Here's an update of the progress so far on the van. New windowed back doors are on, and incidentally the people at the breakers yard also gave me a free rear view mirror, which helps! I can park with more confidence now, and windows let in loads more light.
I've decided on 2 seating units facing each other, with the table in the middle converting into the middle of the bed, and a small unit behind the driver's seat for the sink/cooker. So a couple of sheets of 12mm ply and some 2 by 1 later, we (I say we, but I was just watching of course) started building the units (with Stewie on hand for advice):
The units have their own storage, with lids that have little holes in (there's probably a technical term for those) so that you can lift the top. It's all nice and flush too, and you can sand the edges of ply for a lovely finish (I'm sounding like I know what I'm talking about now).
Here's the kitchen unit, which I proudly built myself (assembled actually, Ikea make it dead simple). It's actually a kitchen wall cabinet, so its depth fits in just nice with the other units. Once installed in the van, we put some ply on top which extends to the door (NB the door still opens, so when we're cooking it's nice and airy).
We've also put some ply behind the front seats; this now has batten on half way up, which the ends of the bed will rest on. I've been rubbish and forgot to take enough pictures, but will take some more soon showing the full effect. The base unit on the left has a hinged fold out section, which makes up half of the bed end, and there'll be a table in the middle on an island leg, and another piece of ply for the remaining part of the bed.
All of this work took just 1 day, and the change is amazing! The van weirdly seems more spacious in the back now, even with more in it.
Still left to do:
- install the tap (a hand pump one I bought from Towsure)
- line the walls (I've discovered just the ticket on eBay - stretch carpet)
- make the cushion covers (I am going for leopard after all, but probably black/grey instead of brown)
- get some flooring in (nephew coming after work today to measure up for vinyl)
Doesn't sound like much, but as with all jobs, things always take longer than you think! I'm still on track to have the van 'campable' within the next few days...but I don't want to rush it.
Hopefully I can get the table/bed middle and tap fitting in the next couple of days, and the vinyl soon as poss too, then it's away with the tradesmen and down to me to do the finishing touches.
I can't wait!
For now, au revoir
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